Am I Hungry Or Not

You are not alone if you struggle to recognize these cues.

©cottonbro from Pexels.

One key aspect of mindful eating is listening to your hunger and fullness signals. While this may sound simple, many of us often eat when we are not physically hungry and/or eat until we are uncomfortably full. You are not alone if you struggle to recognize these cues. 

The first step to getting your hunger and fullness cues back, is learning to listen to your body. Knowing your hunger level and your pre-meal mood helps you to become a more mindful eater. 

Before each meal and snack, take a moment to rate your hunger using the scale below. Your goal is to stay between the score values of 3 & 7 on the hunger scale.


If you determine that you truly are physically hungry, you should eat. Some diets may ask you to ignore hunger and follow strict diet rules. This often leads to feelings of deprivation and eventually overeating at a later time. 

When you feel hungry, approach your eating in a mindful way.


Mindful Eating


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